URL and HTTP request message composition Browser to decrypt URLs Enter the URL in your browser A URL (Uniform […]
HTTP request and response messages
HTTP request and response messages HTTP request message By decrypting the URL, once the Web server and the fil […]
HTTP Basics
HTTP Basics HTTP basics By decrypting the URL, you can see where to access it. The browser then accesses the w […]
Web server IP address / DNS server
Web server IP address / DNS server Check the IP address of the Web server from the DNS server IP Address Basic […]
DNS Server
DNS Server Basic operation of DNS server The basic operation of the DNS server is to receive a request message […]
Data transmission / reception and protocol stack
Data transmission / reception and protocol stack Ask the OS protocol stack to send a message Overview of data […]
How the protocol stack executes solicitations
How the protocol stack executes solicitations Create a socket Internal structure of protocol stack The interna […]